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In the Carribbean nation of Barbados, there is something strange in the church cemetary.  Heavy lead coffins are thrown about in a family crypt.  Is it proof of ghostly activety or the work of a natural force in nature?  

Today Matt and Ken discuss the Banshee and it's place in the realm of folklore and the paranormal.  They also dive into the differences from the well known Irish Banshee to the lesser known American Banshee.

Today Matt and Ken discuss the possible cryptid sighting on a beach near Sydney Australia. Was this a new cryptid? Was this a case of misidentification? Was there just too much Foster's?

Settle in and listen to this episode and find out...

Matt and Ken discuss the incredible level of High Strangeness centered around Mount Shasta in California.  UFO's, Bigfoots (Bigfeets?  Bigfootus Maximus?) Lizardmen, and Lumarians, are all reported in this area.  Is it because Mount Shasta is a volacano, or is there more at play here?

We cover the life of famed prophet and seer Nostradamus.  This episode covers the life , his works and his sorrows.  Learn the history of how he survived hardships and great triumphs.  This is part I of a series.  Watch for part II where we discus his actual predictions and how the still have meaning today.

Sit back and relax as we begin a series of shows centered around UFO's UAP's and Aliens. We start where most think it all started. The events in Roswell New Mexico in 1947.  We discuss the events that happened and then give some of our thoughts and theories of what might have happened in Roswell New Mexico.

Today we learn about an enigmatic character in the UFO  realm.  The sapce traveler from Venus, Valiant Thor.

Just who was this soul?  What was his message? Where is he now? 

Let's learn about Valiant Thor and his teaching of the Golden Rule.

Did a massive UFO crash outside of Phoenix.  A craft so massive that the only way to hide it exsistence was to bury the craft and then build a flood control dam on top of it?  Could it be the location of a secret military underground facility? An underground alien hideout?  Or just a really weird place to build a flood control dam in the desert?

This week we discuss how we might be to too heavily dependent on technology in our daily lives and in the paranormal.  We discuss helpful hints and tips on how to investigate without the need for all the gadgets.

MARCH 2024

APRIL 2024

This is part II of our look into the work and life of the famed seer Nostradamus.  In part I we explored his life, in this episode part II we explore his visions and try to tackle a couple of his Quatrains.  Were our interpretations correct? Listen for yourself and see if you agree.

In this episode we discuss the infamous Area 51 in Nevada.  We discuss it's signifigance, history and the possibility of hidden knowledge from alien artifacts.  What really happens behind the fences of Area 51?

In this episode we discuss the different levels of Alien Contact. Close Encounters 1 & 2.  What do they mean, and what can we learn from them?

Hundreds of witnesses, numerous 911 calls and local police follow an unusual lighted craft in the early morning hours in Michigan.  National Weather radars track the object, then objects for several hours as the objects convened over Lake Michigan.

To celebrate our 40th episode, we have a very special guest.  UFO Researcher Preston Dennett.  You have seen him on your favorite Paranormal and UFO Shows and now he sits down to talk with us.  We discuss UFO's and USO's in Southern California especially around Catalina Island and Malibu.  Then we dive head first into the topic of OBE's, Out of Body Experiences.  Strap in for a special treat as we welcome Preston Dennett to the show.

This week Matt and Ken discuss one of the most famous abduction stories in the world.  The 1974 abduction of Travis Walton in Snowflake Arizona. This abduction had been the source for books and movies, and we discuss this case and what makes it so special.

This week Matt and Ken discuss the first reported case of alien abduction and the people involved. See how this case became the one that started the phenomenon of Alien Abductions.

This week Matt and Ken discuss the study of Para-psychology. This is the study of ESP, telekenesis and other forms of paranormal studies.

MAY 2024

JUNE 2024

What is the connection to Volcanos and UFO's? What about Mexico City it's volcano anf UFO's?  Is there a connection there?  Matt and Ken discuss this on todays episode.

The late 1800's and early 1900's saw mysterious airships crewed by strange speaking people through out the Western United States.  Were these rich eccentrics that built amazing machines or something else?

Matt and Ken take a look at other people that not only predicted the end of the world, but also gave us the date it would happen on.  We look into these accounts as a build up to Part III of our Nostrodamus Apocalyptic Predictions episode coming soon.

Matt and Ken delve even deeper in to the Alien Contact Classification


This week the guys look at Nostradamus in part three of their deep dove into the life and work of the French Seer.  This week they look at his predictions for the apocalypse or the end of the world.